Source code for j5.backends.dummy.demo

"""Dummy Backends for the demo boards."""
from typing import List, Optional

from j5.backends import Backend
from j5.backends.dummy.env import DummyEnvironment
from j5.boards import Board
from j5.boards.j5.demo import DemoBoard
from j5.components import LEDInterface

[docs]class DemoBoardDummyBackend(LEDInterface, Backend): """The dummy implementation of the DemoBoard.""" environment = DummyEnvironment board = DemoBoard
[docs] def set_led_state(self, board: Board, identifier: int, state: bool) -> None: """Set the state of an LED.""" print(f"Set LED {str(identifier)} to {str(state)} on {str(board)}")
[docs] def get_led_state(self, board: Board, identifier: int) -> bool: """Get the state of an LED.""" return False
[docs] def get_firmware_version(self, board: 'Board') -> Optional[str]: """Get the firmware version of the board.""" return None
[docs] @classmethod def discover(cls) -> List[Board]: """Discover boards available on this backend.""" return []