Source code for j5.boards.j5.demo

"""Classes for demonstration purposes."""

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, cast

from j5.backends import Backend, Environment
from j5.boards import Board
from j5.components.led import LED

    from j5.components import Component  # noqa
    from typing import Type  # noqa
    from j5.components.led import LEDInterface  # noqa

[docs]class DemoBoard(Board): """A board for demo purposes, containing 3 LEDs.""" def __init__(self, serial: str, environment: Environment): self._environment = environment self._backend = environment.get_backend(self.__class__)() self._serial = serial self._leds = [LED(n, self, cast('LEDInterface', self._backend)) for n in range(0, 3)] @property def name(self) -> str: """Get a human friendly name for this board.""" return "Demo Board" @property def serial(self) -> str: """Get the serial number.""" return self._serial @property def firmware_version(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the firmware version of this board.""" return self._backend.get_firmware_version(self)
[docs] def make_safe(self) -> None: """Make this board safe.""" pass
[docs] @staticmethod def supported_components() -> List['Type[Component]']: """List the types of component supported by this Board.""" return [LED]
[docs] @staticmethod def discover(backend: Backend) -> List[Board]: """Detect all connected boards of this type and return them.""" return [DemoBoard(str(n), backend.environment) for n in range(0, 3)]
@property def leds(self) -> List[LED]: """Get the leds on the board.""" return self._leds