Source code for j5.backends.console.j5.arduino

"""Base backend for Arduino Uno and its derivatives."""

from typing import Mapping, Optional, Type

from j5.backends import Backend
from j5.backends.console import Console
from j5.components import GPIOPinInterface, GPIOPinMode, LEDInterface

[docs]class PinData: """Contains data about a pin.""" mode: GPIOPinMode digital_state: bool def __init__(self, *, mode: GPIOPinMode, digital_state: bool): self.mode = mode self.digital_state = digital_state
[docs]class ArduinoConsoleBackend( GPIOPinInterface, LEDInterface, Backend, ): """An abstract class to create console backends for different Arduinos.""" def __init__(self, serial: str, console_class: Type[Console] = Console) -> None: self._serial = serial self._pins: Mapping[int, PinData] = { i: PinData(mode=GPIOPinMode.DIGITAL_OUTPUT, digital_state=False) for i in range(2, 20) # Digital 2 - 13 # Analogue 14 - 19 } # Setup console helper self._console = console_class(f"{self.board.__name__}({self._serial})") @property def firmware_version(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The firmware version reported by the board. :returns: firmware version reported by the board, if any. """ return None # Console, so no firmware
[docs] def set_gpio_pin_mode(self, identifier: int, pin_mode: GPIOPinMode) -> None: """ Set the hardware mode of a GPIO pin. :param identifier: pin number to set. :param pin_mode: mode to set the pin to. """"Set pin {identifier} to {}") self._pins[identifier].mode = pin_mode
[docs] def get_gpio_pin_mode(self, identifier: int) -> GPIOPinMode: """ Get the hardware mode of a GPIO pin. :param identifier: pin number. :returns: mode of the pin. """ return self._pins[identifier].mode
[docs] def write_gpio_pin_digital_state(self, identifier: int, state: bool) -> None: """ Write to the digital state of a GPIO pin. :param identifier: pin number :param state: desired digital state. :raises ValueError: pin is not in correct mode. """ if self._pins[identifier].mode is not GPIOPinMode.DIGITAL_OUTPUT: raise ValueError(f"Pin {identifier} mode needs to be DIGITAL_OUTPUT " f"in order to set the digital state.")"Set pin {identifier} state to {state}") self._pins[identifier].digital_state = state
[docs] def get_gpio_pin_digital_state(self, identifier: int) -> bool: """ Get the last written state of a given GPIO pin. :param identifier: pin number :returns: Last known digital state of the pin. :raises ValueError: pin is not in correct mode. """ if self._pins[identifier].mode is not GPIOPinMode.DIGITAL_OUTPUT: raise ValueError(f"Pin {identifier} mode needs to be DIGITAL_OUTPUT " f"in order to read the digital state.") return self._pins[identifier].digital_state
[docs] def read_gpio_pin_digital_state(self, identifier: int) -> bool: """ Read the digital state of a given GPIO pin. :param identifier: pin number :returns: digital state of the pin. :raises ValueError: pin is not in correct mode. """ if self._pins[identifier].mode not in [ GPIOPinMode.DIGITAL_INPUT_PULLUP, GPIOPinMode.DIGITAL_INPUT, GPIOPinMode.DIGITAL_INPUT_PULLDOWN, ]: raise ValueError(f"Pin {identifier} mode needs to be DIGITAL_INPUT_* " f"in order to read the digital state.") return"Pin {identifier} digital state [true/false]", bool)
[docs] def read_gpio_pin_analogue_value(self, identifier: int) -> float: """ Read the scaled analogue value of a given GPIO pin. :param identifier: pin number :returns: scaled analogue value of the pin. :raises ValueError: pin is not in correct mode. """ if self._pins[identifier].mode is not GPIOPinMode.ANALOGUE_INPUT: raise ValueError(f"Pin {identifier} mode needs to be ANALOGUE_INPUT " f"in order to read the analogue value.") return"Pin {identifier} ADC state [float]", float)
[docs] def write_gpio_pin_dac_value(self, identifier: int, scaled_value: float) -> None: """ Write a scaled analogue value to the DAC on a given GPIO pin. :param identifier: pin number :param scaled_value: scaled analogue value to write :raises NotImplementedError: Arduino Uno does not have a DAC. """ # Uno doesn't have any of these. raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def write_gpio_pin_pwm_value(self, identifier: int, duty_cycle: float) -> None: """ Write a scaled analogue value to the PWM on a given GPIO pin. :param identifier: pin number :param duty_cycle: duty cycle to write :raises NotImplementedError: Not implemented in any supported firmware yet. """ # Not implemented on derivitive boards yet. raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_led_state(self, identifier: int) -> bool: """ Get the state of an LED. :param identifier: LED identifier. :returns: current state of the LED. :raises ValueError: invalid LED identifier. """ if identifier != 0: raise ValueError("Arduino Uno only has LED 0 (digital pin 13).") return self.get_gpio_pin_digital_state(13)
[docs] def set_led_state(self, identifier: int, state: bool) -> None: """ Set the state of an LED. :param identifier: LED identifier. :param state: desired state of the LED. :raises ValueError: invalid LED identifier. """ if identifier != 0: raise ValueError("Arduino Uno only has LED 0 (digital pin 13)") self.write_gpio_pin_digital_state(13, state)