Source code for

"""Console Backend for the SR V4 power board."""

from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Dict, Optional, Set, Type, cast

from j5.backends import Backend
from j5.backends.console.console import Console
from j5.boards import Board
from import PowerBoard, PowerOutputPosition
from j5.components import (

[docs]class SRV4PowerBoardConsoleBackend( PowerOutputInterface, PiezoInterface, ButtonInterface, BatterySensorInterface, LEDInterface, Backend, ): """The console implementation of the SR V4 power board.""" board = PowerBoard
[docs] @classmethod def discover(cls) -> Set[Board]: """ Discover boards that this backend can control. :returns: set of boards that this backend can control. """ return {cast(Board, PowerBoard("SERIAL", cls("SERIAL")))}
def __init__(self, serial: str, console_class: Type[Console] = Console) -> None: self._serial = serial self._output_states: Dict[int, bool] = { output.value: False for output in PowerOutputPosition } self._led_states: Dict[int, bool] = { i: False for i in range(2) } # Setup console helper self._console = console_class(f"{self.board.__name__}({self._serial})") @property def firmware_version(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The firmware version reported by the board. :returns: firmware version reported by the board, if any. """ return None # Console, so no firmware @property def serial(self) -> str: """ The serial number reported by the board. :returns: serial number reported by the board. """ return self._serial
[docs] def get_power_output_enabled(self, identifier: int) -> bool: """ Get whether a power output is enabled. :param identifier: power output to fetch status of. :returns: status of the power output. :raises ValueError: Invalid power output identifier. """ try: return self._output_states[identifier] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid power output identifier {identifier!r}; " f"valid identifiers are " f"{self._output_states.keys()}") from None
[docs] def set_power_output_enabled( self, identifier: int, enabled: bool, ) -> None: """ Set whether a power output is enabled. :param identifier: power output to enable / disable :param enabled: status of the power output. :raises ValueError: Invalid power output identifier. """"Setting output {identifier} to {enabled}") if identifier not in self._output_states.keys(): raise ValueError(f"Invalid power output identifier {identifier!r}; " f"valid identifiers are " f"{self._output_states.keys()}") self._output_states[identifier] = enabled
[docs] def get_power_output_current(self, identifier: int) -> float: """ Get the current being drawn on a power output, in amperes. :param identifier: power output to fetch current of. :returns: measured current of the output. :raises ValueError: Invalid power output identifier. """ if identifier in self._output_states: return f"Current for power output {identifier} [amps]", float, ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid power output identifier {identifier!r}; " f"valid identifiers are " f"{self._output_states.keys()}") from None
[docs] def buzz(self, identifier: int, duration: timedelta, pitch: float) -> None: """ Queue a pitch to be played. :param identifier: piezo identifier to play pitch on. :param duration: duration of the tone. :param pitch: Pitch of the tone in Hz. :raises ValueError: invalid value for parameter. """ if identifier != 0: raise ValueError(f"invalid piezo identifier {identifier!r}; " f"the only valid identifier is 0") duration_ms = round(duration / timedelta(milliseconds=1)) if duration_ms > 65535: raise ValueError("Maximum piezo duration is 65535ms.")"Buzzing at {pitch}Hz for {duration_ms}ms")
[docs] def get_button_state(self, identifier: int) -> bool: """ Get the state of a button. :param identifier: Button identifier to fetch state of. :returns: state of the button. :raises ValueError: invalid button identifier. """ if identifier != 0: raise ValueError(f"invalid button identifier {identifier!r}; " f"the only valid identifier is 0") return"Start button state [true/false]", bool)
[docs] def wait_until_button_pressed(self, identifier: int) -> None: """ Halt the program until this button is pushed. :param identifier: Button identifier to wait for. """"Waiting for start button press.")"Hit return to press start button", None)
[docs] def get_battery_sensor_voltage(self, identifier: int) -> float: """ Get the voltage of a battery sensor. :param identifier: Identifier of battery sensor. :returns: voltage measured by the sensor. :raises ValueError: invalid battery sensor identifier. """ if identifier != 0: raise ValueError(f"invalid battery sensor identifier {identifier!r}; " f"the only valid identifier is 0") return"Battery voltage [volts]", float)
[docs] def get_battery_sensor_current(self, identifier: int) -> float: """ Get the current of a battery sensor. :param identifier: Identifier of battery sensor. :returns: current measured by the sensor. :raises ValueError: invalid battery sensor identifier. """ if identifier != 0: raise ValueError(f"invalid battery sensor identifier {identifier!r}; " f"the only valid identifier is 0") return"Battery current [amps]", float)
[docs] def get_led_state(self, identifier: int) -> bool: """ Get the state of an LED. :param identifier: identifier of the LED. :returns: current state of the LED. """ return self._led_states[identifier]
[docs] def set_led_state(self, identifier: int, state: bool) -> None: """ Set the state of an LED. :param identifier: identifier of the LED. :param state: desired state of the LED. :raises ValueError: invalid LED identifer. """ if identifier in self._led_states.keys():"Set LED {identifier} to {state}") self._led_states[identifier] = state else: raise ValueError(f"invalid LED identifier {identifier!r}; valid identifiers " f"are 0 (run LED) and 1 (error LED)") from None