Source code for j5.components.battery_sensor

"""Classes for Battery Sensing Components."""

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Type

from j5.components.component import Component, Interface

[docs]class BatterySensorInterface(Interface): """An interface containing the methods required to read data from a BatterySensor."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_battery_sensor_voltage(self, identifier: int) -> float: """ Get the voltage of a battery sensor. :param identifier: Identifier of battery sensor. :returns: voltage measured by the sensor. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_battery_sensor_current(self, identifier: int) -> float: """ Get the current of a battery sensor. :param identifier: Identifier of battery sensor. :returns: current measured by the sensor. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs]class BatterySensor(Component): """A sensor capable of monitoring a battery.""" def __init__( self, identifier: int, backend: BatterySensorInterface, ) -> None: self._backend = backend self._identifier = identifier
[docs] @staticmethod def interface_class() -> Type[BatterySensorInterface]: """ Get the interface class that is required to use this component. :returns: interface class. """ return BatterySensorInterface
@property def identifier(self) -> int: """ An integer to identify the component on a board. :returns: component identifier. """ return self._identifier @property def voltage(self) -> float: """ Get the voltage reported by the battery sensor. :returns: voltage measured by the sensor. """ return self._backend.get_battery_sensor_voltage(self._identifier) @property def current(self) -> float: """ Get the current of the battery sensor. :returns: current measured by the sensor. """ return self._backend.get_battery_sensor_current(self._identifier)