Source code for j5.backends.backend

"""The base classes for backends."""

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional, Set, Type

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: nocover
    from j5.boards import Board  # noqa

[docs]class CommunicationError(Exception): """ A communication error occurred. This error is thrown when there is an error communicating with a board, if a more specific exception is available, then that may be thrown instead, but it should inherit from this one. """
[docs]class BackendMeta(ABCMeta): """ The metaclass for a backend. Responsible for registering the board-backend mapping with an Environment. """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs): # type:ignore """Create a new class object.""" cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) # type: ignore if cls.__name__ == "Backend": return cls # Check if this is an abstract Backend. if len(cls.__bases__) == 1 and cls.__base__.__name__ != "Backend": return cls if hasattr(cls, "environment"): if cls.environment is not None and cls.board is not None: mcs._check_compatibility(cls) mcs._check_component_interfaces(cls) cls.environment.register_backend(cls.board, cls) return cls # The following line should never run, as _check_compatibility should fail first. raise RuntimeError( # pragma: nocover f"The {str(cls)} has no environment attribute", ) def _check_compatibility(cls): # type: ignore """Check that the backend and environment are compatible.""" if type(cls.environment) != Environment: raise ValueError("The environment must be of type Environment.") if cls.board in cls.environment.supported_boards: raise RuntimeError( "You cannot register multiple backends for the same board in the same Environment.") # noqa: E501 def _check_component_interfaces(cls): # type: ignore """ Check that the backend has the right interfaces. Certain interfaces are required to support components, and we want to make sure that the Backend implements them. This is a run-time type check. """ for component in cls.board.supported_components(): if not issubclass(cls, component.interface_class()): raise TypeError("The backend class doesn't have a required interface.") # noqa: E501
[docs]class Backend(metaclass=BackendMeta): """ The base class for a backend. A backend is an implementation of a specific board for an environment. It can hold data about the actual board it is controlling. There should be a ratio of one instance of a Backend to one instance of a Board. The Backend object should not hold any references to the Board, instead having it's methods executed by the code for the individual Board. A Backend usually also implements a number of ComponentInterfaces which thus allow a physical component to be controlled by the abstract Component representation. """
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def discover(cls) -> Set['Board']: """Discover boards that this backend can control.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
@property @abstractmethod def environment(self) -> 'Environment': """Environment the backend belongs too.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover @property @abstractmethod def firmware_version(self) -> Optional[str]: """The firmware version of the board.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs]class Environment: """ A collection of board implementations that can work together. Auto-populated with board mappings using metaclass magic. """ def __init__(self, name: str): = name self.board_backend_mapping: Dict[Type['Board'], Type[Backend]] = {} @property def supported_boards(self) -> Set[Type['Board']]: """The boards that are supported by this backend group.""" return set(self.board_backend_mapping.keys()) def __str__(self) -> str: """Get a string representation of this group.""" return
[docs] def register_backend(self, board: Type['Board'], backend: Type[Backend]) -> None: """Register a new backend with this Backend Group.""" self.board_backend_mapping[board] = backend
[docs] def get_backend(self, board: Type['Board']) -> Type[Backend]: """Get the backend for a board.""" if board not in self.supported_boards: raise NotImplementedError(f"The {str(self)} does not support {str(board)}") return self.board_backend_mapping[board]