Source code for j5.components.derived.ultrasound

Ultrasonic distance sensor.

A sensor that utilises the reflection of ultrasound to calculate the distance
to a nearby object.

from abc import abstractmethod
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Optional, Type

from j5.components import NotSupportedByComponentError
from j5.components.component import DerivedComponent, Interface
from j5.components.gpio_pin import GPIOPin

class UltrasoundInterface(Interface):
    """An interface containing the methods required for an UltrasoundSensor."""

    def get_ultrasound_pulse(
        trigger_pin_identifier: int,
        echo_pin_identifier: int,
    ) -> Optional[timedelta]:
        Get a timedelta for the ultrasound time.

        :param trigger_pin_identifier: pin number of the trigger pin.
        :param echo_pin_identifier: pin number of the echo pin.
        :returns: Time taken for the pulse, or None if it timed out.
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    def get_ultrasound_distance(
        trigger_pin_identifier: int,
        echo_pin_identifier: int,
    ) -> Optional[float]:
        Get a distance in metres.

        :param trigger_pin_identifier: pin number of the trigger pin.
        :param echo_pin_identifier: pin number of the echo pin.
        :returns: Distance measured in metres, or None if it timed out.
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

[docs]class UltrasoundSensor(DerivedComponent): """ Ultrasonic distance sensor. A sensor that utilises the reflection of ultrasound to calculate the distance to a nearby object. """ def __init__( self, gpio_trigger: GPIOPin, gpio_echo: GPIOPin, backend: UltrasoundInterface, *, distance_mode: bool = True, ) -> None: if self.__class__ not in gpio_trigger.firmware_modes or self.__class__ not in gpio_echo.firmware_modes: raise NotSupportedByComponentError( f"Pins {gpio_trigger.identifier} and {gpio_echo.identifier}" f" must support Ultrasound.", ) self._gpio_trigger = gpio_trigger self._gpio_echo = gpio_echo self._backend = backend self._distance_mode = distance_mode @staticmethod def interface_class() -> Type[Interface]: """ Get the interface class that is required to use this component. :returns: interface class. """ return UltrasoundInterface
[docs] def pulse(self) -> Optional[timedelta]: """ Send a pulse and return the time taken. :returns: Time taken for the pulse, or None if it timed out. """ return self._backend.get_ultrasound_pulse( self._gpio_trigger.identifier, self._gpio_echo.identifier, )
[docs] def distance(self) -> Optional[float]: """ Send a pulse and return the distance to the object. :returns: Distance measured in metres, or None if it timed out. :raises RuntimeError: distance mode is disabled. """ if not self._distance_mode: raise RuntimeError("Distance mode is disabled. Use pulse() to get the time.") return self._backend.get_ultrasound_distance( self._gpio_trigger.identifier, self._gpio_echo.identifier, )