Source code for

"""Console Backend for the SR v4 Servo Board."""

from typing import List, Optional, Set, Type, cast

from j5.backends import Backend
from j5.backends.console import Console
from j5.boards import Board
from import ServoBoard
from j5.components.servo import ServoInterface, ServoPosition

[docs]class SRV4ServoBoardConsoleBackend( ServoInterface, Backend, ): """The console implementation of the SR v4 Servo board.""" board = ServoBoard
[docs] @classmethod def discover(cls) -> Set[Board]: """ Discover boards that this backend can control. :returns: set of boards that this backend can control. """ return {cast(Board, ServoBoard("SERIAL", cls("SERIAL")))}
def __init__(self, serial: str, console_class: Type[Console] = Console) -> None: self._serial = serial # Initialise our stored values for the positions. self._positions: List[ServoPosition] = [None for _ in range(0, 12)] # Setup console helper self._console = console_class(f"{self.board.__name__}({self._serial})") @property def serial(self) -> str: """ The serial number reported by the board. :returns: serial number reported by the board. """ return self._serial @property def firmware_version(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The firmware version reported by the board. :returns: firmware version reported by the board, if any. """ return None # Console, so no firmware
[docs] def get_servo_position(self, identifier: int) -> ServoPosition: """ Get the servo position. :param identifier: Port of servo to check. :returns: Position of servo. """ # We are unable to read the state from the servo board, in hardware # so instead of asking, we'll get the last set value. return self._positions[identifier]
[docs] def set_servo_position(self, identifier: int, position: ServoPosition) -> None: """ Set the servo position. :param identifier: Port of servo to set position. :param position: Position to set the servo to. :raises ValueError: Unknown servo identifier. """ if identifier not in range(0, 12): raise ValueError( f"Invalid servo identifier: {identifier}, valid values are: 0 - 11", ) self._positions[identifier] = position if position is None: position_human_name = "unpowered" else: position_human_name = str(position)"Setting servo {identifier} to {position_human_name}.")