j5.backends.console.sr.v4.servo_board module

Console Backend for the SR v4 Servo Board.

class j5.backends.console.sr.v4.servo_board.SRV4ServoBoardConsoleBackend(serial: str, console_class: Type[j5.backends.console.console.Console] = <class 'j5.backends.console.console.Console'>)[source]

Bases: j5.components.servo.ServoInterface, j5.backends.backend.Backend

The console implementation of the SR v4 Servo board.


alias of j5.boards.sr.v4.servo_board.ServoBoard

classmethod discover() → Set[j5.boards.board.Board][source]

Discover boards that this backend can control.

Returns:set of boards that this backend can control.

The firmware version reported by the board.

Returns:firmware version reported by the board, if any.
get_servo_position(identifier: int) → Optional[float][source]

Get the servo position.

Parameters:identifier – Port of servo to check.
Returns:Position of servo.

The serial number reported by the board.

Returns:serial number reported by the board.
set_servo_position(identifier: int, position: Optional[float]) → None[source]

Set the servo position.

  • identifier – Port of servo to set position.
  • position – Position to set the servo to.

ValueError – Unknown servo identifier.