j5.backends.console.sr.v4 package

Module contents

Backends for Student Robotics version 4 boards in the console environment.

class j5.backends.console.sr.v4.SRV4MotorBoardConsoleBackend(serial: str, console_class: Type[j5.backends.console.console.Console] = <class 'j5.backends.console.console.Console'>)[source]

Bases: j5.components.motor.MotorInterface, j5.backends.backend.Backend

The console implementation of the SR v4 motor board.


alias of j5.boards.sr.v4.motor_board.MotorBoard

classmethod discover() → Set[j5.boards.board.Board][source]

Discover boards that this backend can control.

Returns:set of boards that this backend can control.

The firmware version reported by the board.

Returns:firmware version reported by the board, if any.
get_motor_state(identifier: int) → Union[float, j5.components.motor.MotorSpecialState][source]

Get the current motor state.

Parameters:identifier – identifier of the motor
Returns:state of the motor.

The serial number reported by the board.

Returns:serial number reported by the board.
set_motor_state(identifier: int, power: Union[float, j5.components.motor.MotorSpecialState]) → None[source]

Set the state of a motor.

  • identifier – identifier of the motor
  • power – state of the motor.

ValueError – invalid motor identifier.

class j5.backends.console.sr.v4.SRV4PowerBoardConsoleBackend(serial: str, console_class: Type[j5.backends.console.console.Console] = <class 'j5.backends.console.console.Console'>)[source]

Bases: j5.components.power_output.PowerOutputInterface, j5.components.piezo.PiezoInterface, j5.components.button.ButtonInterface, j5.components.battery_sensor.BatterySensorInterface, j5.components.led.LEDInterface, j5.backends.backend.Backend

The console implementation of the SR V4 power board.


alias of j5.boards.sr.v4.power_board.PowerBoard

buzz(identifier: int, duration: datetime.timedelta, pitch: float) → None[source]

Queue a pitch to be played.

  • identifier – piezo identifier to play pitch on.
  • duration – duration of the tone.
  • pitch – Pitch of the tone in Hz.

ValueError – invalid value for parameter.

classmethod discover() → Set[j5.boards.board.Board][source]

Discover boards that this backend can control.

Returns:set of boards that this backend can control.

The firmware version reported by the board.

Returns:firmware version reported by the board, if any.
get_battery_sensor_current(identifier: int) → float[source]

Get the current of a battery sensor.

Parameters:identifier – Identifier of battery sensor.
Returns:current measured by the sensor.
Raises:ValueError – invalid battery sensor identifier.
get_battery_sensor_voltage(identifier: int) → float[source]

Get the voltage of a battery sensor.

Parameters:identifier – Identifier of battery sensor.
Returns:voltage measured by the sensor.
Raises:ValueError – invalid battery sensor identifier.
get_button_state(identifier: int) → bool[source]

Get the state of a button.

Parameters:identifier – Button identifier to fetch state of.
Returns:state of the button.
Raises:ValueError – invalid button identifier.
get_led_state(identifier: int) → bool[source]

Get the state of an LED.

Parameters:identifier – identifier of the LED.
Returns:current state of the LED.
get_power_output_current(identifier: int) → float[source]

Get the current being drawn on a power output, in amperes.

Parameters:identifier – power output to fetch current of.
Returns:measured current of the output.
Raises:ValueError – Invalid power output identifier.
get_power_output_enabled(identifier: int) → bool[source]

Get whether a power output is enabled.

Parameters:identifier – power output to fetch status of.
Returns:status of the power output.
Raises:ValueError – Invalid power output identifier.

The serial number reported by the board.

Returns:serial number reported by the board.
set_led_state(identifier: int, state: bool) → None[source]

Set the state of an LED.

  • identifier – identifier of the LED.
  • state – desired state of the LED.

ValueError – invalid LED identifer.

set_power_output_enabled(identifier: int, enabled: bool) → None[source]

Set whether a power output is enabled.

  • identifier – power output to enable / disable
  • enabled – status of the power output.

ValueError – Invalid power output identifier.

wait_until_button_pressed(identifier: int) → None[source]

Halt the program until this button is pushed.

Parameters:identifier – Button identifier to wait for.
class j5.backends.console.sr.v4.SRV4RuggeduinoConsoleBackend(serial: str, console_class: Type[j5.backends.console.console.Console] = <class 'j5.backends.console.console.Console'>)[source]

Bases: j5.components.string_command.StringCommandComponentInterface, j5.backends.console.j5.arduino.ArduinoConsoleBackend

Console Backend for the SR v4 Ruggeduino.


alias of j5.boards.sr.v4.ruggeduino.Ruggeduino

classmethod discover() → Set[j5.boards.board.Board][source]

Discover boards that this backend can control.

Returns:set of boards that this backend can control.
execute_string_command(command: str) → str[source]

Execute the string command and return the result.

This function can be synchronous and blocking.

Parameters:command – command to send.
Returns:result from the command.
get_gpio_pin_digital_state(identifier: int) → bool

Get the last written state of a given GPIO pin.

Parameters:identifier – pin number
Returns:Last known digital state of the pin.
Raises:ValueError – pin is not in correct mode.
get_gpio_pin_mode(identifier: int) → j5.components.gpio_pin.GPIOPinMode

Get the hardware mode of a GPIO pin.

Parameters:identifier – pin number.
Returns:mode of the pin.
get_led_state(identifier: int) → bool

Get the state of an LED.

Parameters:identifier – LED identifier.
Returns:current state of the LED.
Raises:ValueError – invalid LED identifier.
read_gpio_pin_analogue_value(identifier: int) → float

Read the scaled analogue value of a given GPIO pin.

Parameters:identifier – pin number
Returns:scaled analogue value of the pin.
Raises:ValueError – pin is not in correct mode.
read_gpio_pin_digital_state(identifier: int) → bool

Read the digital state of a given GPIO pin.

Parameters:identifier – pin number
Returns:digital state of the pin.
Raises:ValueError – pin is not in correct mode.
set_gpio_pin_mode(identifier: int, pin_mode: j5.components.gpio_pin.GPIOPinMode) → None

Set the hardware mode of a GPIO pin.

  • identifier – pin number to set.
  • pin_mode – mode to set the pin to.
set_led_state(identifier: int, state: bool) → None

Set the state of an LED.

  • identifier – LED identifier.
  • state – desired state of the LED.

ValueError – invalid LED identifier.

write_gpio_pin_dac_value(identifier: int, scaled_value: float) → None

Write a scaled analogue value to the DAC on a given GPIO pin.

  • identifier – pin number
  • scaled_value – scaled analogue value to write

NotImplementedError – Arduino Uno does not have a DAC.

write_gpio_pin_digital_state(identifier: int, state: bool) → None

Write to the digital state of a GPIO pin.

  • identifier – pin number
  • state – desired digital state.

ValueError – pin is not in correct mode.

write_gpio_pin_pwm_value(identifier: int, duty_cycle: float) → None

Write a scaled analogue value to the PWM on a given GPIO pin.

  • identifier – pin number
  • duty_cycle – duty cycle to write

NotImplementedError – Not implemented in any supported firmware yet.

class j5.backends.console.sr.v4.SRV4ServoBoardConsoleBackend(serial: str, console_class: Type[j5.backends.console.console.Console] = <class 'j5.backends.console.console.Console'>)[source]

Bases: j5.components.servo.ServoInterface, j5.backends.backend.Backend

The console implementation of the SR v4 Servo board.


alias of j5.boards.sr.v4.servo_board.ServoBoard

classmethod discover() → Set[j5.boards.board.Board][source]

Discover boards that this backend can control.

Returns:set of boards that this backend can control.

The firmware version reported by the board.

Returns:firmware version reported by the board, if any.
get_servo_position(identifier: int) → Optional[float][source]

Get the servo position.

Parameters:identifier – Port of servo to check.
Returns:Position of servo.

The serial number reported by the board.

Returns:serial number reported by the board.
set_servo_position(identifier: int, position: Optional[float]) → None[source]

Set the servo position.

  • identifier – Port of servo to set position.
  • position – Position to set the servo to.

ValueError – Unknown servo identifier.